How to Build Cultivation Sites at Scale
Imagine you have a new batch of prospects that you’d like to create sites for, using a standardized set of content. Let’s show you how to create cultivation sites at scale for individual prospects through a few easy steps.
Hello there this is Gideon Rosen from the Ovrture team. Imagine you have a new batch of prospects that you’d like to create sites for using a standardized set of content. Today let’s show you how to create cultivation sites at scale for individual prospects through a few easy steps.
First using the Builder Table Defaults set the default stack of content that will be built for each individual record. Next choose the group of prospects from the available records and choose the content panels from the central content library to share general updates.
Then click build sites and all of the sites for the chosen records will be built simultaneously. After that you can further personalize the individual sites using the WYSIWYG or what you see is what you get editor to further edit and refine your content.
You can then share your content with your prospect through an email communication from your team’s email platform.
And, don’t forget to turn on the platform analytics alerts so you can check out exactly how your prospect engaged with the site. By keeping an eye on the analytics you’ll be able to see which prospects are more likely to accept a meeting invitation based on their engagement with their site.
The site becomes almost like a hub of communication with your prospect and goes hand in hand with the conversation that is currently happening.
If you have additional questions about building sites at scale visit We’re always happy to connect.