Used by leading institutions:
We help your team...
Leverage your data
Plug into and enrich your existing CRM and data systems with automated connections built to work with what you already have.
Achieve personalization at scale
Engage the middle and top of your gift pyramid through data and design automations that make personalization fast and easy.
Keep your brand front and center
Avoid the paint-by-numbers approach to going digital; create digital experiences that elegantly build upon your hard-won brand equity.
How it works
Explore our video gallery to see how key features work, learn best practices, and discover how Ovrture empowers our client organizations.
Who we serve...
Client results...
>90% open rate
of stewardship reports among top donors at a large-scale, multi-unit university.
raised in new gifts after distributing 1,500 impact reports at a private research university.
607 kg CO2e
not released by distributing 3,000 sites and/or reports digitally.
10 seconds
to generate 100s of personalized sites or reports simultaneously.
increase in donor-specific engagement data vs. traditional communications.
5X engagement
from donors vs. mailed reports.
Read our action-oriented guide...
Clear, concise, and realistic guidance to help your organization digitize the engagement of its highest capacity prospects and champions.